A paper presented at NeurIPS2021

A paper presented at NeurIPS2021

December 15, 2021
PaperBayesian Nonparametrics
December 15, 2021

We are excited to announce that our paper “Permuton-induced Chinese restaurant process” has been accepted to NeurIPS2021 as a poster presentation.

This paper proposes a multi-dimensional extension of the Chinese restaurant process (CRP) and applies it to Bayesian nonparametric relational data analysis. Our proposed model can be used as a unified stochastic process to represent various classes of rectangular partitioning. This model can be regarded as a multi-dimensional extension of CRP paired with the block-breaking process (BBP), which has been recently proposed as a multi-dimensional extension of SBP. While BBP always has an infinite number of redundant intermediate variables, our model can be composed of varying size intermediate variables in a data-driven manner depending on the size and quality of the observation data. Quantitative experiments demonstrate that our model can improve the prediction performance in relational data analysis by reducing the local optima and slow mixing problems compared with the conventional BNP models, because the local transitions in Markov chain Monte Carlo inference are more flexible.

We have released a Matlab implementation at GitHub. A python implementation will be coming soon.

Pre-proceedings can be accessible from the following link: